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Court Jests #2

October 9, 2023

Welcome back everyone! We know the court has been quiet for some time; the Jesters have been a-slumbering lightly in our year of rest and relaxation. But now we stir, for the spooky season descends upon us, and we have prepared lots of treats!

Sanctimonious Slimes vs Expired Epicures Kickstarter

The pre-launch page for the first official adventure for Errant is now live! Delve into the weird depths of ancient dungeon, where primordial humanity sealed away such eldritch horrors as:

  • An ennui-afflicted medusa whose hair has taken control

  • A cult of holier-than-thou slimes who know that to have a fixed shape is to sin

  • Hedonistic undead who won't let their decayed senses stand in the way of a good time

We have packed a lot into this 28 page zine to ensure it's easy to pick up and hit the table. Check it out!

Check Into the Swineheart Motel

If you're in need of immediate spookage, Swineheart Motel is a modern day horror adventure designed to be completed in 1–3 sessions, set in a middle-of-nowhere roadside motel occupied by a cast of creepy characters.

Swineheart Motel is the first in the Fringe Variables series, a set of stand-alone modern day horror adventures tied together by the presence of cosmic entities called Archaics. Stay tuned for future releases including: Bloodstained Mirrors, Dead Butterflies, and Deathplane, to name a few.

Errant Available at All the Problems in This World

For folks in the EU, copies of Errant are still available at ALL THE PROBLEMS IN THIS WORLD. These are some of the last copies available of the first print run, so get 'em while you still can!

Further Delights

That wraps up this instalment of Court Jests, but watch your inbox, as a fresh round of japes to harvest for your entertainment should be arriving very soon!

Court Jests #1

June 27, 2022

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Court Jests, the official Kill Jester newsletter. We will use this space to keep you updated with the latest news about our projects and releases, as well as third-party and community content, and really anything else that takes our fancy.

Errant PDF Release

The PDF of Errant is now available on and! The current PDF is hyperlinked, with alt text for all images, and screen reader tested using NVDA. We will be working over the coming months to update it with more formats, including a simplified layout PDF for easier visual processing, layouts for mobile, and a freely-accessible online version of the rules to replace the now outdated carrd site.

Errant Third Party License

We have created a special license (heavily inspired by the 'Powered by Lesbians' license by April Kit-Walsh) to let anyone who wants to make content for or with Errant do so. This game is only possible because of the cornocupia of community content available in the old school scene, and so it was only right that Errant be available to serve as a resource for other creators and players. The full license can be found at

Japes of Yore

As a final note, for those of you wondering, we do indeed take our name from the inimitable sketch by Brian "Limmy" Limmond. For most of you who don't know what we're talking about, the sketch is below. You're welcome.